What I learned...


I learned to not always rely on a plan or close myself to a different couple of possibilities that may happen. The more that we close ourselves to oppurtunities, the chances are always missed. I think that this end of quarter, I learned alot from experience, the process took a long way and different turns yet here I am standing still. I wouldn't say that I'm completely changed by these experiences but it is a route heading that way, kinda like a path to guide me to the right track.

CPTLE this quarter gave me knowledge about entrepreneurship. What happens before, during, and after. It gives me background information on what goes inside a business management. Sure, the preparation part wasn't easy for us but as we move on, we bring with us progression. We learned from feedback, demand (customers) and our own calling. I think that the most enjoyable part of it all is to see the customer happy as to what we had offered them, our service and with that, our hardwork.

For that I say,  the overall knowledge that I have gained from this journey fueled me to keep going and to keep thriving. The experience that I went through serves as I witness of how I well I learned.



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