Primum Quartam Experientia (1st Quarter Experience: A very Latin-ish intro that is very irrelevant to the topic but i want to show off soooo :)

Yes, yes the title sounds a lot like a Harry Potter spell or incantation but don't be Riddikulus! (See what i did there?) I didn't sat down and typed here to show off my irrelevant Harry Potter knowledge. ← Here's a cute pic of him anyways.

Nevertheless, My 1st Quarter Experience. My,my,my, what a ride. It's a wild ride if i'm gonna be honest. It's only been maybe a couple of months, and let me tell you this:
I ran out of productivity.

Generally, quizzes and writtenworks are something that i can manage, because you can review for it. But not for CPTLE! Surprise, surprise. A Pop Quiz. YAYYYY. Fun,right?

                                                                               ((excuse me?))
But kidding aside, CPTLE taught me two things: (1), performance tasks, (2), always review just in case.😂

But what I like about CPTLE or Career Pathways in Technology and Livelihood Education, is that it assesses the capability of a student in actualization. It preps us, students, in doing this tasks in the future. Since adulthood requires a lot of effort and action. *wink*wink. Although our course doesn't really features a lot of different tracks, it has limit us to one path only. Cooking. Probably the most basic necessity of a human being. The most important knowledge anyone can possess. Because, even if you can solve the arithmetic and geometric equation, but has 0 knowledge about cooking, your life is over kid. (I'm honestly making this an inspiration because math is my enemy and i'm in constant battle with it, but i can cook and i think you don't need this equations in real life anyways). Whatever i'm rambling but here's some pictures:


I couldn't contain my laughter on this pic, everyone's just chill while i'm losing my sanity.


 My first quarter experience is still experimental. I'm still trying out new stuff. I'm still learning my own lessons and i know i will still be in the future. Sometimes, i forgot about the tools that i should bring, or the next procedure, or how to properly mix this, use that, how hot i should turn on the heat or is this enough or maybe a litttle or a lot? Pretty much me, everytime. But i had this instinct inside, sometimes i'm confused but inside there's this teeny weeny voice inside my head saying " You need to bring that, you have to do this, you should use it like this, you should mix it like this, the  heat is too much, and that's enough." The thing about low confidence is that you don't listen to your instincts as you, you see this instincts as a burden, if you obey it, it will punish you. But after all, instincts are not made to wrong us, it is the couple of ways we are subconsciously helping ourselves. I'm not saying that you should listen to your instincts all the time, but reside with the truth and from that, you can truly listen to these inclinations.

   For me, food is the best invention of man, the most sacred. It is vital for survival. I had experience with cooking way back then. I have learnt the basics. Ms. Joy  gave us experience and expertise, so we can fully master cooking by introducing us different recipes and main courses namely: meats, rice, appetizers, desserts, and such. 

By giving me experience, it gave me interest and also an insight if ever i'm going to take Culinary. Our CPTLE teacher has a lot to say about the matter. She took the NC II exam for culinary and as much as i know, she passed. Congratulations Ms. Ma. Christine Joy Talon Verallo! (if ever you actually passed cause i can't quite recall)

All in all, in it, put in a blender, shake it, serve it, THE WHOLE ENCHILADA,

CPTLE's lineup of first quarter activites, drew me in to this subject. Not only i was taught about the new stuff, I get to actually use it somewhere (not like evil formulas and equations). So kudos! First quarter was quite a job but it's a job i formally enjoy. That's it and Sayonara! 

See you on the next episode :)


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